martes, 29 de junio de 2021

Articles: Skimming and Scanning

 Check this article and complete the activities:   Niceland!

What is reading for gist Click HERE to learn about Reading for Gist

What is skimming? Click HERE to learn about Skimming

What is scanning? Click HERE to learn about Scanning

Further reading: Click HERE to access web page


Skimming a school prospectus: Click HERE to download activity

Scanning a recipe: Click Here do download activity

Scanning text to find information quickly: Click HERE to download activity

Scanning a job advertisement: Click HERE to download activity

Here´s a very interesting article for you to read and think about it for next week:

Then write a comment (remember the theory about how to write comments and paragraphs) summing up the article. (Remember to include your name and surname).