viernes, 1 de octubre de 2021


1)  Access the following link, read the highlighted sections and do the activities.

2) Analyse the following sentences explaining each step you take and upload your answers to the following shared folder:

a-  Terri  dialed a wrong number last night.
b- The young boys held a party in the park on Saturday.
c- The girl in the blue dress watched the match attentively.

3) Access the following link and read a short story extract. Then, do the interactive activities to check your comprehension.

4) Look at the three pictures. Write the story shown in the pictures. Write 150-200 words. Upload your story to


Meaning In Context:

martes, 14 de septiembre de 2021

Relative Clauses: Simple but not easy!

Check these two web pages about Defining and non-defining relative clauses. Read the theory and complete the activities:

Then read English Grammar in Use Units 92- 97   and do the activities there.


Watch the video and do the activities (Preparation, Task 1, Task 2) on the webpage:

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Upload your answers to

martes, 7 de septiembre de 2021

Write your own story

Look at the following pictures. Choose one of them to base your story on.

Then, complete the following "sandwich" with your  ideas.

Write your topic at the top. Add details to the middle layers. Add a concluding sentence at the bottom.

Now you are ready to write your story. Share it  at

martes, 31 de agosto de 2021

 This lesson will help you:

- Learn the best ways to start a story in English.
- Understand how to set a goal for your English story.
- Add tension and make your story more interesting.
- Learn useful ways to end your story in English. 
- Put everything together so you can tell a great story in English.

1-As you watch the video, write your own story on a Google Doc.

2- Read the following guide on how to write a short story, and then write a similar guide for YOUR story.

3- Complete this diagram using information from YOUR OWN story.

martes, 13 de julio de 2021


 A brief overview of lexical categories, phrase structure rules, and syntactic tree structures.

Syntax: Part 1

Syntax Part 2

Syntax Part 3

Article Writing- Noun Phrases -Prepositional Phrases

Have a look at the following article. What is it about? Why do you think the author chose that title?

What do you notice about the structure? 
How many paragraphs are there?
What is the topic of each paragraph?
 Can you identify the topic sentence in each one?
Can you find some text features?
Find as many noun phrases as you can. Are they in the subject or in the predicate?
Find as many prepositional phrases as you can? What are their function?

Check English Grammar in Use Units 121-136
Complete  Traveller Unit 2
Check the blog Imrpove your writing, entries about Noun Phrases and Prepositional Phrases

martes, 6 de julio de 2021


 Grammar for life. Start watching at: 9:39


What is a Noun?

Nouns and Pronouns

What is an Adjective?

What is an adverb?

Adverbs that modify Adjectives

Adverbs and Adjectives

What's a Preposition?

Affixes: Prefix, Infix, and Suffix

Paragraph Writing Revision

How to Write a Good Paragraph

Topics and Main Ideas

Main Ideas

martes, 29 de junio de 2021

Articles: Skimming and Scanning

 Check this article and complete the activities:   Niceland!

What is reading for gist Click HERE to learn about Reading for Gist

What is skimming? Click HERE to learn about Skimming

What is scanning? Click HERE to learn about Scanning

Further reading: Click HERE to access web page


Skimming a school prospectus: Click HERE to download activity

Scanning a recipe: Click Here do download activity

Scanning text to find information quickly: Click HERE to download activity

Scanning a job advertisement: Click HERE to download activity

Here´s a very interesting article for you to read and think about it for next week:

Then write a comment (remember the theory about how to write comments and paragraphs) summing up the article. (Remember to include your name and surname).

martes, 22 de junio de 2021

Writing a Paragraph



Before writing a paragraph, it is important to think first about the topic and then what you want to say about the topic. Most often, the topic is easy, but the question then turns to what you want to say about the topic. This concept is called the controlling idea. Good topic sentences should always contain both a topic and a controlling idea. The topic is the main subject matter or idea covered in the paragraph. The controlling idea is the idea that focuses on the topic by providing direction to the composition. 
For e.g., 
The topic is running and the controlling idea is healthful benefits.


You can also follow the PEEL paragraph writing technique to write effective paragraphs. PEEL stands for:
Point - Your first sentence must state your point. It introduces the topic you're about to discuss and tells the reader what the paragraph is going to be about. 
Evidence - Support your point with evidence and examples.
Explanation - This is where you show your understanding by explaining in more detail how and why your evidence supports your point.
Link - The last sentence should reinforce your original point or link your writing to the next paragraph. The link sentence can provide a transition to the next topic or paragraph.


The purpose of a paragraph is to express the thoughts or opinions of the author in a clear and precise manner.


A topic sentence introduces the main idea of a paragraph. It is usually placed at the beginning of a paragraph.


Let's take a look at some examples of a topic sentence:
1) If the paragraph is about the qualities that will help you become successful, the topic sentence could be something like: To be successful, you need to have certain qualities.
2) If the paragraph is about protecting the environment, the topic sentence could be something like: We need to take certain measures to protect the environment. 


When writing a paragraph, it is important to be clear and precise. First, you need to have a clear idea of what you want to say. Then, you have to write this down using the correct language. Make sure to organize your points in a logical manner so that the reader can easily understand your argument.


The purpose of a paragraph is to present your views or arguments on a topic. It is important to support your argument with proper evidence. You can make a reference to a book or a newspaper article that shares the same opinion. This will make it easier for the reader to be convinced or persuaded by your point of view.


Topic sentences do not have to follow a specific format or structure. Usually, topic sentences are of different types. They could be complex sentences, questions, pivots, or even bridge sentences.


Let's look at each type of topic sentence with an example:

1. Complex sentences: The topic sentence could be a complex sentence with a dependent and independent clause. For example, While the Internet has made life more convenient for most people, it has also led to security risks.

2. Questions: The topic sentence could be in the form of a question that introduces the main idea of the paragraph. For example, Why are pollution levels so high in cities?

3. Pivots: In this type of topic sentence, the sentence comes in the middle of the paragraph. It acts as a 'pivot' or turn after the sentences it follows. For example, Shelley was a great Romantic poet. Wordsworth was even better than him. However, John Keats was the best of them all.

4. Bridges: The topic sentence could act as a bridge that links the idea of the preceding paragraph to the main idea of the new paragraph. For example, Though the Revolt of 1857 failed, it was important event in India's struggle for freedom.

Further reading and activities: Click HERE to access the webpage

martes, 15 de junio de 2021

Responding emails.

Responding emails.

Parts of an email:

2- Tips on how to write an email. 

On the blog ESL BLOGGERS you can find a very useful entry on how to write emails. I suggest you visit the blog and take notes. 

3- Oxford Dictionary Web page  offers good advice on formal and informal English:

You can also find some useful information on the Cambridge Dictionary Web page.

Click HERE to read about formal and informal language

4- Here you can download a summary of genres. On page 3 you can find a table with information about formal, informal and neutral emails.

Click HERE to download the summary of genres
5- Writing task. (Traveler, page 17)

Write the email in groups and publish it in the comment section below.

martes, 8 de junio de 2021



Do you know the site Register and do have a look around!
There are thousands of ideas for your next vacations.

Why don´t you post your comment on a place you have visited?
Then capture a screenshot and share it with us on this padlet, so we can comment on it.

Hecho con Padlet

Coming back up

 Have you ever done any extreme sports? 

Are you an adrenaline junkie?

 Read this story about one man facing his fear. 

Before reading Do the preparation task first. Then read the article and do the exercise. 

 Coming back up 

So we’re driving along, a road in the middle of nowhere, a few trees now and then on each side of the road, mountains in the distance, there hasn’t been a town for ages and then you see this sign, not really a proper sign at all, just a piece of card with some words scribbled on it: ‘Bungee Jumping, 5km’, and an arrow pointing to the left. I can’t even see a road going left, and there’s certainly no sign of any bungee jumping, but you insist, the idea has taken you, you’re crazy about it, you’ve always wanted to do bungee jumping. I know, you think I’m boring because I don’t want to go. 

‘Go on!’ you insist. ‘We don’t even have to do the bungee jumping, we can just go there and see what’s happening. It’ll be interesting!’ As usual, you get your way. I give in and off we go along this dirt road, for what seems much more than five kilometres to me. But then, after driving for ages, suddenly, out of nowhere, some trees appear, like a small wood.

 ‘This must be the place,’ you say. The road narrows into just a path, so we pull over to the side of the road. I couldn’t drive down there if I wanted to. As soon as we’re out of the car we can hear voices: people shouting and laughing. 

They sound like young people, they sound like they’re having a good time. We slowly walk to where the noise and people are. In the middle of the wood there’s a group of about 20 people. The youngest are about 15 or 16, while some of them are perhaps in their late 20s. They look up and see us, then say hello to us. They’re polite, friendly even, but I feel like we’re interrupting a private party – gatecrashing something they’re doing. 

Once there had been a river running through the middle of the forest, but now there was just a dry ditch. It doesn’t matter; nobody is interested in swimming. A metal bridge crosses the ditch. The bridge doesn’t look too stable. I think the kids had built it themselves. There’s a big group of the kids in the middle of the bridge. They’re all leaning over and looking down into the ditch. They’re all shouting and laughing. Another person is hanging from a long piece of elastic rope in the middle of the ditch. He is laughing like he is mad. The other people slowly pull him up to the bridge. As the guy comes to the top he looks exhilarated and shocked, but also very, very happy.

 I look at you and can see what you’re thinking.

 ‘I want to do that!’ you say. I knew it. And you know what I want to say: ‘Danger!!! Damage to internal organs! Safety procedures! Damage to your eyes! The rope can burn you! You can get tangled up in the rope! You can dislocate your arm or your leg! It’s certain that you will get bruises on your arms! What happens if the rope breaks? Who knows who these people are? Have you any idea how far away from a hospital we are?’ I don’t say it, but, yes, you’re right, I am thinking it. I don’t say anything, because I know that you won’t have answers for any of my questions. You know that I’m right, really.

 You’ve always been a lot more adventurous than me. I know you think I’m boring and safe and always worried about danger and risk. Perhaps you’re right. 

Perhaps I am too boring. I don’t know why people do it. I really don’t know. I remember when I was a kid, my friend had a bicycle that had no brakes. We used to take his bike without brakes and go down a big hill on it. I think about that, that old bike so many years ago, and I remember how I felt then. 

I breathe in, close my eyes, don’t think about anything. I jump. I think I’m going forever and wonder when I’ll stop. But it feels great. I feel scared and thrilled and alive. Then there’s a pull and I’m going back up again, and, yes, it is dangerous, but, yes, it is thrilling. But the most exciting, thrilling, wonderful thing of all is seeing your face as I come back up to the bridge.

Discussion Have you ever done something like bungee jumping? How did you feel?

martes, 1 de junio de 2021

01 06 2021

Introducing Yourself

Have a look at the following pictures and quotes. What are they about?

Can you think of other ways of expressing likes and dislikes? What about their use? Check the grammar at Cambridge Grammar: Like, love, hate and prefer   and  Cambridge Grammar: rather

Check this page to practise

 Now watch this video and learn a little more about introductions:

Extra tip: Watch Corporate trainer Greeshma Thampi giving some tips of professional introduction.

Let´s recap. We`ve  learnt how to write comments , how to express likes, dislikes and preferences and now we learnt how to introduce ourselves correctly. So now you are ready to introduce yourselves.
I am looking forward to reading about you!  I invite you to introduce yourselves on this Padlet using everything you`ve learnt up to now. I encourage you to include a picture of you ! Click HEREto access the website.

Hecho con Padlet

Listen to the following songs. What is the intention of the singer in each one?
Which one do you like best? Why? Coment on the feelings they both arise on you.

The Greatest Showman Cast - This Is Me 

Introducing Me - Nick Jonas

Let yourself be inspired.